WSC Legal represents clients in virtually all types of commercial litigation.

Expertise > Practices > Litigation and Dispute Resolution
Our litigation and dispute resolution practice covers various civil and commercial matters, including business torts, commercial contract disputes, trademark and other intellectual property rights, and distribution and license agreements. Practitioners of the group specialize in cross-border disputes (including international arbitration proccedings), employment (private employment litigation and collective bargaining), administrative, tax, antitrust, insolvency, shareholder disputes, and probate matters involving high net-worth estates.
Our attorneys also have extensive experience in domesticating and enforcing foreign judgments and arbitration awards.
WSC legal attorneys of the Argentine Desk practice before the federal and provincial courts of all levels, in administrative and tax tribunals throughout Argentina, and in domestic and international arbitration forums. We assist clients in all stages of conflict and settlement.
Chambers Latin America, Latin America’s Leading Lawyers for Business, call practice head Gonzalo M. Soto “a leading practitioner in dispute resolution.”